Vanilla Mirage Scented Candle

Paraffin Wax: What It Is, How It’s Made, and Why We Love It

Paraffin Wax: What Is It, How Is It Made, and Why Do We Use It?

If you've ever browsed for candles online or in a shop, you've probably come across terms like "100% Soy Wax" or seen discussions asking, "Is Paraffin Wax Toxic?" In this blog, we're going to explore what paraffin wax is, how it's made, the reasons behind its negative reputation, and why, despite what you might read online, we still choose to use it in our scented candles.

What is Paraffin Wax?

Paraffin wax is a petroleum by-product, first produced in 1830 by Carl Reichenbach. At the time, it was considered an important advancement in candle making, as it burned cleaner and more consistently than tallow-based candles.

Paraffin wax is produced through a multi-step process called fractional distillation, where petroleum is separated into components known as fractions. The residue fraction is used to form paraffin wax, but it must first undergo further refinement to remove impurities such as oil, colourants, and aromatic compounds. Finally, the wax is chilled to filter out certain hydrocarbons, leaving us with the soft yet solid paraffin wax we know today.

There are various types of petroleum wax by-products:

  • Fully Refined Paraffin – Highly refined, containing less than 0.5% oil.
  • Scale Wax – Less refined, with up to 3% oil.
  • Slack Wax – The least refined, containing between 3% and 50% oil.

It’s the less refined waxes that contain impurities and undesirable compounds. The paraffin wax we use is fully refined. This highly refined wax undergoes a stringent purification process, including being treated with hydrogen under high temperature and pressure to remove impurities and improve its colour, odour, and stability. It also goes through a clay filtration process.

Is Paraffin Wax Toxic?

This is the big question, and it’s the one that causes the most confusion. There are countless articles and forums online warning against paraffin wax due to its supposed toxicity, often followed by a promotion for soy blends or other plant-based candles.

The claim that paraffin is toxic originated from less refined forms of paraffin, like slack and scale waxes, which any reputable candle maker would avoid. However, it’s important to remember that fully refined paraffin wax is chemically very different.

Despite its stringent refinement process, which makes it highly purified and non-toxic, fully refined paraffin wax is still unfairly labelled under the "paraffin is toxic" misconception. This argument is only valid when discussing less refined waxes. Studies have shown that candles made with fully refined paraffin wax are no more "toxic" than those made with other waxes, such as soy or beeswax.

The Ökometric Study

The Bayreuth Institute of Environmental Research conducted an internationally funded study in 2007, known as the "Ökometric Wax and Emissions Study." Investigators aimed to learn more about the emissions from candles made with various waxes and whether the compounds emitted during burning posed any health risks.

The study examined emissions from soy, stearin, paraffin, and beeswax. A summary of the Ökometric study states that “...well-made candles of all major wax types exhibit the same clean burning behaviour and pose no discernible risks to human health or indoor air quality.” It’s also worth noting that, to the surprise of many, “the combustion by-products of the waxes studied were virtually identical in composition and quantity, with all emission levels registering far below the most restrictive of any applicable indoor-air standards.”

So, while claims of paraffin wax being toxic have some validity when discussing less refined waxes, they hold no weight at all when considering fully refined paraffin wax.

Do Paraffin Candles Burn Cleanly?

No matter what your candle is made from, there will be combustion by-products. However, thanks to the Ökometric Study, we can rest easy knowing that emissions don’t differ significantly from wax to wax.

Let’s also address another common claim about paraffin candles: “Paraffin candles don’t burn as cleanly.” The Ökometric Study investigated the soot produced by both soy and paraffin candles. Investigators used candles with larger-than-required wick sizes and analysed their emissions. They found that candles with larger wicks produced higher levels of emissions, although these were still well below air quality standards. This confirms that, regardless of wax type, as long as the candle is made correctly and the wick is kept trimmed, excess emissions can be avoided.

The notion that paraffin candles burn less cleanly or are toxic to your health and air quality is nothing more than a myth. Well-made candles, regardless of their wax type, can and will burn cleanly.

Why Do We Love Paraffin Wax?

With all the negativity surrounding paraffin, why go against the grain? Why not just use soy like everyone else? Simply put, we find that paraffin performs fantastically well, and we want the very best for our candles.

  • Its ability to hold and throw scent – By using paraffin wax, we can offer you candles that smell divine all day, every day—from the moment you light them until they’re finished. Our paraffin candles won’t let you down; you won’t find them scentless after the first use, or lacking in fragrance after a few hours. It’s nothing but non-stop aromatic bliss.

  • Unrivalled consistency – Using highly refined wax allows us to predict its behaviour. Think less erratic puppy, more cuddly, lazy Labrador! It performs just as we expect, so we can ensure you get the best results from our candles every time. With plant-based waxes, variations in moisture content can sometimes cause an entire batch of candles to be written off, increasing costs and delaying production.

  • It’s a by-product – While the crude oil industry isn’t known for being environmentally conscious, petroleum isn’t extracted solely to make paraffin wax. It’s simply a by-product of the industry that would otherwise go to waste. Using a by-product that might otherwise be discarded is a positive step in an otherwise problematic industry.

Ready to experience the aromatic bliss of our clean-burning candles? Explore our range of high-quality paraffin wax candles and discover your new favourite scent today. Shop now and fill your home with long-lasting fragrance!

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